For some reason upgrading to 0.46.1 completely screwed my zwave setup. Unfortunately I did not have a backup zwcfg.xml file, so I’ve been trying to rebuild from memory and naming nodes based on my my existing automations. In the middle of all this, my zwave stick (zstick G5) switched ports on me from ACM0 to ACM1, and has continued to do so anytime I use the “test network” service on the zwave panel. Not sure why that is as it’s the only USB device plugged into the PI, but it’s a different issue than what I am writing about.
Background - Hassbian running on an RPI3, with a Z-stick G5. I can’t remember when I rebuilt the Pi last, but I would assume it was somewhere around version 0.37 of HA.
After trying to recreate my zwcfg.xml, I have a few leviton and GE switches that show up on the “dev-state” page under “zwave.node name” with a ready status (so I know they are added and reporting to my controller), however the entities for those nodes have gone missing and nothing I do brings them back.
For example one device is “zwave.outdoor_outlet_14”. This is a GE outdoor outlet/switch that I use to turn on a low voltage transformer. The node info looks fine, and all the device type and manufacturer info is there. The entity ID used to be “switch.outdoor_outlet_switch_14” but now does not show up. I have about 5 or 6 entities like this that have disappeared. These are for the most part powered devices and aren’t asleep.
Throughout this whole process, about 5 devices remained working and node names never changed, and therefore their entities didn’t change. WHY???
This entire zwave setup is super frustrating to me!!! I’m to the point where I want to tear the switches out of the wall and put in something that just works (like all my caseta switches or hue bulbs). Unfortunately I have 29 zwave nodes and that wouldn’t be an easy or cheap task.
zwave documentation is lacking greatly or outdated.
I’d be happy to add to the project and update the documentation if I knew how this was supposed to work!