Sonoff B05 RGB LED Bulb in HA

Hi all,

Does anyone know of a way to control colours and brightness through HA.
What I have done so far is the quick pair through the ewelink app and have the bulbs on my network. I have installed the AlexxIT/Sonoff integration through HACS, but it doesnt give me options to change brightness or colours.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

You can try this.
I have been using it with success.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t support the B05, just allows me to switch on and off. No colours or brightness… grrr

It does. My B05 has been working alright.

Add this to your custom repo and try it out:
This repo is a fork of AlexxIT SonoffLAN and B05 is supported. You can take a look at

When I turn on my B05 through HA, I get this error:

Failed to call service light/turn_on.
‘’‘Sonoff104’’’ object has no attribute ‘’‘supported_color_modes’’’

I’m only able to turn off the light, not on.

Does anyone have a solution?