Sonoff Mini OTA not able to connect


so I have a Sonoff Mini running custom Arduino Firmware. It uses default ArduinoOTA.
I can flash it from Arduino directly using the PORT from the dropdown. This works all well.

Now, I would like to flash the Sonoff Mini using ESPHome. But after compiling the firmware, it cannot connect to the Sonoff Mini.

I do specify the IP of the Sonoff Mini within my network, and I can ping the Sonoff Mini from HA.

Processing switch-01 (board: esp8285; framework: arduino; platform: [email protected])
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 7.87 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Connecting to
ERROR Connecting to failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused

What can I do next?

If the device is not running an esphome firmware how do you expect the esphome update server to connect to it?
Are you replacing the Arduino firmware with ESPHome?
If so if there a binary upload the current firmware you have installed?


the current firmware runs a basic ArduinoOTA. So I can upload a new Firmware directly from Arduino.
I thought it would use the same OTA protocol. If I’m mistaken, fine :slight_smile:

Any way to upload a simple sketch through Arduino which allows ESPHome OTA updates?

Ok. So in my case, the ArduinoOTA was running on my Sonoff Mini. I did not know it’s a different protocol than the OTA of ESPHome. Naive me :slight_smile:

So, in the end, I solved it by using the following tool/script:
I downloaded the ESPHome binary which has been generated by ESPHome and uploaded it using the ota-upload script.

Then, my Sonoff Mini connected to ESPHome/HA successfully.
Thanks to @samnewman86, who basically put me on the right track :slight_smile: