Sonoff S31 / Sonoff Lan - Help needed

Hey all, I tried setting this up but for some reason when I restart HA, I don’t see the plug. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong but in the configuration, I have my username and password. From what I have read, I need a +1 in front of my email address in order for it to connect which I have done (if I don’t it doesn’t connect - log error). My issue is that when I search in the developer tools, I can’t find the plug.

Any ideas or does anyone have their yaml file that I can look at? Thank you in advance for your time.

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Maybe share your sonoff section of the yaml file? Also more information on your environment / setup.

  username: !secret sonoff_user
  password: !secret sonoff_pass

Running HA on RPi 4. I haven’t had any issues with other integrations. I’m running Sonoff Lan via HACS.

Hmm didn’t see any smoking gun just yet.

The comment of +1 in front of your account email address is a curious one - I didn’t do it and don’t have any issue. Plus the instructions on GitHub does not ask users to do that either.

Could you at least be able to control you S31 in your eWeLink app? You will need the app for initial setup - include your S31 to your account, and then tell the integration to find your S31 from sonoff server via your account - and after that the app is not required for the integration to work.

Anyway this is what I have:

  username: !secret sonoff_user
  password: !secret sonoff_pass
  mode: local
  reload: always  # update device list every time HA starts
  force_update: [power]
  scan_interval: 300 # this is in seconds; so every 5 minutes
  sensors: [power]

And this is what I got:

I used your code and retypes my secret info and it’s working now. I’m not sure where the problem was but I thank you for your time!