Sonoff SNZB-02D does not report temperature changes to HA

Hi came here to say , I have sporadically seen similar issues with these devices and other sonoff devices,.

After it all came to a head recently, the fix was to remove a dongle-P (flashed as a router with latest router firmware) from the network. They havent skipped a beat since.

My co-ordinator is a dongle-e. I use ZHA.

Reading some posts above I wonder if there is a zstack issue or a TI related issue but the dongle-P is in a drawer, maybe it will return as a Thread device some day !

ps. I had an automation alert if a thermometer gave me the exact same reading for 6 hours or more so I knew to go and re-pair the thing. I think this is no longer needed now I found the culprit !

pps. actually when I removed that router, I had 3 stuck thermostats. I only re paired 2 of them, the other just started working I noticed. I was just in the zone so used to re-pairing them. My network now seems to self heal, it didnt before.

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Hello all
I had the same problem where no data was sent from the display. After the tip, the pairing worked again.

I know Iā€™m repeating what @buz said here, but it is always a good idea to press the button on battery-powered zigbee devices every couple of seconds while pairing.

This prevents the device from going back to sleep in the middle of the pairing process and avoids issues down the line.