Sonoff SNZB-06 Presence sensor not sending data

I installed a Sonoff SNZB-06 presence sensor in my hallway a couple of weeks ago- using ZHA. It was working fine until yesterday morning. It last registered a Presence event at 11am, then stopped reporting completely. I tried reconfiguring it in ZHA and it didn’t help. I then removed it from ZHA and added it to my Zigbvee2MQTT setup. It connected first time, but it is still not sending any events.
My ZHA and Z2M networks both use (different) SMlight SLZB-06 coordinators, both within 15 feet of the Sonoff SNZB-06.
Any idea how I can get the SNZB-06 working again?

Is there a reason for having two Zigbee networks?

There’s nothing wrong with it - I had two myself for a while because a couple of devices worked better with Z2M - but it does mean that both networks are smaller and therefore less robust. It does sound like a classic case of “more routers”.

15 feet is quite a long way in Zigbee world, but in any case it’s density that matters, rather than distance.

The reason for 2 networks is that I couldn’t get my Vallhorn motion sensor to connect to ZHA, so I thought I would try Z2M - it connected immediately to Z2M without any problems. I had the same thing with a couple of Aqara sensors.

Yeah, I had a similar thing (different devices, though).

The point remains. Each of your networks will have fewer routers than both together, which means fewer paths for messages to take, which means greater vulnerability to interference etc. etc.

You could try adding a couple of those little USB “repeater” routers - they’re not very expensive.

Yes that was the first thing that I tried - bought 4 Innr smart plugs and placed them around the house, as well as a USB ZB router from Aliexpress. They don’t seem to be helping too much.

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So I removed the SNZB-06 from the Z2M network and re-added it to the ZHA network. It is now sending alerts again (with no changes to any of the hardware or hardware locations). It’s almost as if it goes into a permanent sleep mode.

…and it’s now gone back to sleep. It hasn’t reported anything since yesterday (having worked fine for a week). Seems pretty flakey to me