Sonoff - Timer

Hi guys,

Newbie here. I have done some searching but can’t seem to find an answer.

I’ve got a Sonoff basic that I currently use to boost my hot water. I plan on flashing with Tasmota and setting up MQTT but I would like to know if using HA how I can set the basic to turn on for a set period of time and then turn off?

It would be handy if within the UI(Lovelace) if I could also state a time, for example if I’m just having a shower I can type 1hour but if the Mrs and kids need a shower I can type 2

Any help hugely appreciated, apologies if this has been covered I promise I’ve searched!

This can be done with automations.

Setting the duration can also be done using an input select and an automation.

Take a look at the docs and let us know where you need help.

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