Sonoff TRV

Hi guys,
does anyone of you already got the Sonoff TVR and use it with Home Assistant via Z2M?

As I check the specification it looks as it has almost everything I need. I’m looking for a TRV that:

  • has a physical buttons / knob
  • temperature adjustments by 0,5 degree
  • zigbee connection
  • it is cheap compering to competition

Although when I read the reviews it has a few cons:

  • it looks to operate as full on/off state only
  • doesn’t report valve position
  • it doesn’t cooperate with other temperature sensors (as Aqara E1)
  • i Z2M it seems to be limited to just a few basic options

Could you please let me know what you think about it?

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I have it running through ZHA and it works well. It is quiet and looks relatively nice. Sure it doesn’t have all the features like the expensive ones, but the price is right. Here is a picture of what was detected with me everything. The temperature is adjusted with me with a NETATMO thermometer and the HACS addon Betterthermostat.
Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-26 um 07.17.18


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I basically confirm what you say. I bought it on Amazon in a happy moment and paid only €30 for it. I use it with zha. The major limitation that the classic Tuyas do not have is the impossibility of calibrating the temperature measured by the valve with ZHA. If your radiator is behind a curtain or in a niche you will not be able to manage the set point effectively as the measured temperature is affected by the lack of air circulation. I had to manage it with a generic thermosat entity that turns the valve positioned at a very high set point on and off and an external temperature sensor, but this eliminates the convenience of manual adjustment.

I’m using it and I have to say that it works well, the only thing it doesn’t have that would be useful to me is the positioning of the valve.
I don’t understand if the TRV really doesn’t have it in its features or it’s a question of software not yet developed…

I agree with all the comments here. However my issue is that when I set the temperature very low (about 10 degree C lower than the sensor value), it doesn’t turn the valve off, so the radiator still gets hot water circulating. Does this require some sort of calibration for the valve position (like the Aqara E1)? I couldn’t find any valve position calibration info in any documentation or forum.

Exciting - Would you mind sharing example code for how you did this, as its exactly my plan feom the off ?

i have 2 Sonoff TRV running with Z2M. works fine.

today, i was looking at the TRV calibratior blueprint, first worked fine, but then i noticed my 2 TRVs were connected?!? When i adjust the temp on n°1, n°2 is autoset that temp. strange…

My sonoff trvs do turn the rads completely off. I had a couple that did not, and realised I wasn’t using new batteries when calibrating the valve.

Take them off, check the valve pin is loosened up(use a flat bladed screwdriver to exercise it a bit) reinstall with fresh batteries and recalibrate.

I have one rad where I cannot stop the flow with a screwdriver and therefore the sonoff cannot completely stop the flow either - I will be pipe freezing the tail and replacing that valve soon.