Setting scenes with transitions apparently doesn’t work properly with my setup (Tradfri → Sonoff Zigbee / ZHA → Home Assistant).
Does setting scenes with transitions on tradfri bulbs work properly in Zigbee2MQTT?
The fix of repeating the scene until it’s all way there and the other fix of doing brightness, then delay, then color separate are eyesores and slower than necessary. So this left me wondering if things are better with Zigbee2MQTT …
Transitions should work with IKEA bulbs. What they often have problems with though are setting multiple attributes at the same time, such as brightness and color/temperature. That seems to be a hardware/firmware limitation. If you want fancier transitions, pay more money for a fancier bulb…
Yes, I meant with multiple attributes. It works fine with the Dirigera hub, which I understand might not be the standard Zigbee protocol. But I read in some old posts things about IKEA not working properly with ZHA specifically and people claiming everything works fine with Deconz.
So now I’m wondering if the problem lies with the ZHA-IKEA combo or if people who claim everything works fine are not using transitions.
A more expensive bulb isn’t out of the question, budget wasn’t a factor in buying these from IKEA, I just had them before getting to know Home Assistant.
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with ZHA at least. I initially had my IKEA bulbs paired with a Philips Hue bridge and they behaved the exact same way then, if trying to set multiple attributes only one would go through.
If it does work through Deconz then I suspect they are no longer using the light’s native transitions, but implementing some sort of workaround in the background that is hidden on their external API level so it still looks like a native transition.