Sonos 9.2 update has broken integration?

Has anyone else updated to version 9.2 of the Sonos firmware? I got the update yesterday and it seems to have broken discovery of Sonos devices.

Interestingly, the release notes say that “setup and configuration options have been removed from the Desktop Controller for Windows and macOS” which makes me wonder if those changes may also have broken third party integrations.

Just to rule out Home Assistant, I’ve tried discovering by manually using the SoCo library and that also fails to find my speakers.

I’m not ruling out the problem being my end, so curious to know if anyone else with Sonos speakers has had the same problem since the update?

Further research - blog post refers to authentication for the API, something not currently used in HA.

A bit more googling suggests that this is a newish API, and that Sonos is closing the old UPnP API.

Just tried my Sonos system and seems to be working fine.

Thanks, do you know if you’re on the latest update Sonos update?

I’ve updated on both MacBook & Windows 10 Machine.

I would try undiscovering the components and then re-adding

I updated this morning, and just tried tracks on a couple of my sonos units without issue.

It’s the firmware version that might have the caused the change (v9.2 - see “About my Sonos System” under Settings in the app). Going back over release notes, as of v9.0, creating a Sonos account became mandatory, which might be related - or at least a precursor to the new API.

I just get “No Sonos devices found on the network.” when I try to configure the integration from the front end of HA.

Calling SoCo directly also fails to discover the devices:

>>> import soco
>>> devices =
>>> devices

returns nothing.

Running netdisco (python -m netdisco) only discovers the devices for spotify_connect:

[{'host': '192.168.1.XX',
  'hostname': 'sonosXXXXXXXXXX.local.',
  'port': 1400,
  'properties': {'CPath': '/spotifyzc', 'VERSION': '1.0'}}, 

Everything’s working fine from within the Sonos app itself - it’s only HA integration that’s broken, and that’s obviously caused by the discovery problem.

Their developer documentation only refers to the OAuth2 based API.

But if you’re both on 9.2 then I need to do some more digging my end.

I double checked… Version: 9.2 (build 46357250)
I have no reference to sonos in my configuration.yaml file, but I do have the Sonos integration (configuration > integration) set up for Sonos.
The only other difference I see is that I am running Hassio 0.79.3 on HassOS 1.11 (all current).

Just updated also and noticed one sonos was reporting as ‘unavailable’

Removing the connection in configuration, rebooting HA, then re-adding the connection solved it for me.

Thanks, everyone, for checking.

Embarrassing confession time… it was my end. I’d rebooted the server that runs HA and it turned the firewall back on. That was blocking discovery…

I’d forgotten I’d “temporarily” switched it off ages ago to get discovery working properly and not made the change persistent. I don’t really need the server firewall - it’s on a LAN behind a router, and the local firewall was more trouble than it was worth - Sonos needs a lot of ports.

So once again thanks and sorry for wasting your time.