Sorel heating LFWC Can Bus data logger

Hi, I own a Sorel fresh water controller LFWC (it control circulation pump and solar pump in my heating system, and in particular it has connected hot water temperature probe and solar external temperature probe).
I want to read via can bus the temperature of water, to integrate in HA, as data logger (Sorel also sell their own can data logger, but i don’t want to buy it).

I tried to sniff can bus traffic with raspberryPi + mcp2515 board and Wireshark, but I can’t understand the can message (I’ve also Sorel reference about can bus, but the message don’t seem to match with the documentation.)
Some of you have the same controller or can help me?

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I am also planning on doing this shortly, though for the LTDC. I plan to start reviewing this work

Then this

I also have a can hat for rpi that may enter the fray. I will report back if I make any progress.
[edit] Olimex have an ESP32 with CAN afaik. So this is another contender for the overall solution.

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I’ll take a look to ltdc logger, thanks.
it’s also my purpose to use ESPHome with ESP32 and HA. Please keep me updated

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Have you managed to connect your control units with home assistant? I have an LHCC control unit and would like to connect it if possible. Can you help me? (I’m Italian and I translated with Google… sorry if there are errors. Happy New Year!

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