Source code of demo for voice assistant?


Just read the article $13 voice remote for Home Assistant - Home Assistant about the new voice assistant and how to test it with M5stack devices but is it me or the source code is not published ? Can’t find it :frowning: (probably missing the obvious but perhaps someone has found out where it is hidden :wink:



I think its here firmware/voice-assistant at main · esphome/firmware · GitHub although there is also this media-players/m5stack-atom-echo.yaml at 01db8a9340d0d405da79e756266339e77930c243 · esphome/media-players · GitHub

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Thanks it’s the good one :wink: Have been able to flash my M5 Echo with it and use it for voice control of HA ! So easy and quickly setup :heart_eyes:
Will have to find a device more usable now for it (larger and proper speaker and better microphone :slight_smile: