Spacebar scrolls page down on automation name field with Firefox

Is is just me or is this happening with others too? Cannot type space between words on the automations name field.
With Chrome it seem to be working as supposed.

Hi WestEnd, if you click on an empty area of a page, not in a form field, the space bar works like Page Down, and Shift+Spacebar works spacebar counter like … Since I did the update I can no longer scroll with the space bar and also cannot use arrow cursor keys to navigate a page .Open up the preferences and a little window will show up with all of your keybindings. Right click, “Add a new key”, don’t enter any code into the box (doesn’t matter what title you give it; I chose “Disable Space”), “OK”, click in the little box on the bottom left of the main window, press space, and then apply

Have the same problem here.
Any input with spaces between the words is not possible, which is very annoying, especially with the Assist because it is not usable with it.

The problem seems to exist only in Firefox, but I have not yet found a solution how to work around it.