Recently made a new home-assistant server on Docker. HA version 2022.3.5.
Unable to configure without having this error pop out.
The red cloud icon on the top right, indicates cloud needed. However, I’m trying to avoid setting up the cloud (for privacy reasons).
My last HA server that was version 2021.9, on a Jetson Nano… Didnt have issues when setting up (I didn’t use the cloud back then either)
Does anyone have any idea on some loop holes I can do in order to setup speedtest without the use of cloud.
Note: I have looked for bug reports about this issue, there were none.
2022-03-20 12:21:54 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'SpeedTest' for speedtestdotnet integration not ready yet: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Try again>; Retrying in background
I didn’t have cloud in my previous HA setup yet was configured in ease. And worked properly. My previous set up was HA core version 2021.9, Jetson Nano.
Yes I know how Speedtest works, I see the problem wasn’t that I didn’t setup the cloud. But it was that my HA has issues connecting to the internet in general.
I confirmed it in my log book which showed many connection errors from my integrations. HA is not even showing weather, updater, and HACS sensor is “unknown”. HACS has been “starting up” for 3 days now
When I enter info page, my System Health is loading indefinitely
Yet the computer where HA sits, has a great connection.