Split configuration, using packages. each device its own folder

hello everyone,

I am using Homeassistant for an ever growing list of automations in my home.
But for me, still the biggest plus for Homeassistant, is using the energyreadings from my devices.

I have almost 30 zwave plugs with energyreadings, and I want them all in Homeassistant.
Things I do with this readings, is calculate kwh usage (day, month, year) using the utility_meter integration and calculate the costs of this energy-usage.

In order not to get lost in big yaml files, I came up with the the following solution.
(wich I don’t get to work)

I created a folder, called components, in this folder is the folder energy.
In this folder, I want to create a lot of subfolders, for each device its one.
So, a folder for heating, fridge, dishwasher, networkdevices, fan, and so on.

In each device folder there are the yaml files I need, for the energy readings to work in home assistant.
Like this:
this files creates a template sensor, based on information it receives from the fibaro gateway.
So, two template sensors, 1 for actual energy reading, 1 for the kwh value
use the kwh template sensor for the utility_meter integration. (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, usage
creates a template sensor based upon the utiltymeter multiplied with the €/kwh costs

So for each device a folder, with this 3 yaml files.

when I use in my configuration.yaml file the following line:

  packages: include_dir_named components

It works, but it only graps the first device folder, not the rest.

Does anyone of you, have any idea what I am doing wrong?
Or if is is even possible?

I do know there are other ways to accomplish my goal.
But for me this would be the logical way forward.

Hope you can help me!

You can’t have package files named the same because of the way the merge works.

In each directory you should prefix the files, so

 - 01_energy.yaml
 - 02_utility.yaml
 - 03_costs.yaml
 - 01_energy.yaml
 - 02_utility.yaml
 - 03_costs.yaml

Needs to be something like

 - heating_01_energy.yaml
 - heating_02_utility.yaml
 - heating_03_costs.yaml
 - koelkast_01_energy.yaml
 - koelkast_02_utility.yaml
 - koelkast_03_costs.yaml


hello mf_social,

thanks for the quick response.

That indeed dit the trick! :smiley: :ok_hand:
Thanks a lot!

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