I would like to be able to split a persistent notification. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Goal: Receive an ip-trace link on mobile device as soon as someone tries to login using a faulty password. I currently have to following automation setup which sends a notification to my Android phone using Pushbullet:
- alias: "Send notification upon failed login attempt"
- platform: state
entity_id: persistent_notification.httplogin
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state != off }}"
- service: notify.pushbullet
message: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
After I received the notification, I extracted the IP addres using Tasker and created an ip-tracker link with the IP address.
Since some time, Pushbullet won’t let me paste the notification to my clipboard so I can’t use it in tasker anymore (only if I pay $5 a months which I think is to much).
I figured I could make a workaround for this if I can send the complete link directly from hass. The only problem is that when a persistent notification is created, it has no attribute with the IP address.
Only a state:
Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from 123.456.78.9
I have to find a way to extract the IP address so I can send the complete link from Hass:
service: notify.pushbullet
title: Send URL
message: Failed login attempt!
url: http://www.ip-tracker.org/locator/ip-lookup.php?ip=123.456.78.9
Idealy would be to put the IP in a sensor I suppose:
service: notify.pushbullet
title: Send URL
message: Failed login attempt!
url: http://www.ip-tracker.org/locator/ip-lookup.php?ip={{ states.sensor.ip_address.state }}
I hope someone can point me in the right direction.