Spotify installation always aborts after initial install on broken system

OK, so let me walk you through what I did to get here…

I initially installed Homeassistant following the docs on my Raspberry Pi running Buster, which required me to build Python from source - no big deal. When I first ran homeassistant, I was getting some weird errors about SSL, but I pushed on anyway and kept trying to install integrations, not knowing what I was doing. I ended up aborting almost all the integration installs because I didn’t have API keys, etc. handy and didn’t feel like doing it at the time (late at night). One of the integrations I attempted to install and aborted was Spotify.

Next day, I figured out that I needed to recompile Python with some additional argument to build in SSL support properly. Did that, reinstalled homeassistant, things looked much better. Tried to install Spotify again, got the classic message from the UI indicating that the install was aborted, check the documentation. I FINALLY check the docs, and realize I have to put the client ID and secret in configuration.yaml.

So, I went to Spotify’s developer site, created a new configuration there with a new client ID and secret, put that into configuration.yaml, then tried to install the integration again…still getting the same error.

I’m not sure if there’s some hidden part of the Spotify integration that’s partially installed and I need to remove from somewhere, or if I’m still missing something. I checked all the homeassistant configuration files and couldn’t find ANYTHING referring to any of the integrations I’ve installed, so I’m not really sure where those get placed, other than maybe the DB file?

Anyway, I’d love some suggestions on how to get Spotify going. Thanks!


In configuration.yaml, the format to be used is as follows:

  client_id: <your client id>
  client_secret: <your client secret>

no dashes necessary.

Also, when you set up the Spotify API in their dashboard, the callback URL should be:

http://<local area network IP of your server>:8123/auth/external/callback

If you forget the port number, it won’t work. :slight_smile:

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