Spotify media player question

I’m not sure if this can be done or not, but I have Spotify integration which created a Spotify entity. I see that when puling up the details of this entity it has a “button” or “selection” for Browse Media that looks to pull up the Spotify media library. What I would like to do is have this be its own button that I can press to popup this menu. Would anyone have any ides about how to get this done? I’m not sure where to start.

Found a solution? Trying to make the same

I haven’t found anything yet. Currently I’m using the mini media platt card with a conditional card. Only when playing the player can be seen and when I press the card I get the Spotify details. From there I tap the browse media and make my selection that way. It’s kind of a multi step process. Wish I could find another way. Need to do more brain storming.

Use media assistant intergration. works awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks I have been looking at it. Hadn’t had much time to play around with it but looks promising. I use amazon echo’s for playing music with Spotify and I think I saw that it might not work properly and should be worked out later down the road.

@rysm83 @Glennesink
Sorry I am late to the party on this, but if you are still interested in a Mini Media Player Browse Media button for Spotify content read on …

I use Mini Media Player for my SpotifyPlus integration. Check out the UI Dashboards wiki page for an example of how to add a browse media button to the Mini Media Player, what it looks like, requirements, etc. Note the browser_mod 2 requirement.

You should be able to tweak that for the standard Spotify integration, or feel free to upgrade to my SpotifyPlus integration - it does everything the standard Spotify integration does and much more.

Hope it helps!