Spotify not showing title and show of podcast in media_player

Does anybody have the same problem? If i play music, title, artist and album are displayed but not if I’m listening to podcasts on Spotify

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Just checked mine and yes … podcasts are blank but music is totally fine in the media player.

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mh, thats strange, as far as I know the Spotify integration should display podcasts shows if detected:

    elif media_content_type == MEDIA_TYPE_SHOW:
        media = spotify.show_episodes(media_content_id, limit=BROWSE_LIMIT)
        show =
        title = show.get("name")
        image = fetch_image_url(show)
        items = media.get("items", [])
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I’m having the same issues. I reported this bug over at github: Spotify integration not providing podcast information · Issue #65123 · home-assistant/core · GitHub