- that works. But it would be nicer if i don’t have to do that. Anyway, it works
Can I change the blue color of the logo’s (in devices, ant the play button) ?
still not OK…
if I unjoin my sonosses I get this error
If you Unjoin your Sonos, then the Oefenzaal raam + 2
entry is no longer valid since that is a group name, and you must select an individual speaker name in the devices section. My Bose speakers behave the same way, in that they leave the group name registered in Spotify Connect even though it no longer exists after unjoining the speakers.
Device entry icon colors cannot currently be changed. I will make a note to add a theming variable for that.
You should not have to select a device if you have the SpotifyPlus integration default player device option set. Note that it will not work if you configured the group name and later unjoin your speakers; at that point the device group name no longer exists.
I would also recommend upgrading to the latest version of both the SpotifyPlus Integration and SpotifyPlus Card. I did fix a problem with the default device not being recognized when the media player was turned on.
Are you referring to Album favorites? The UserPreset filter criteria can be applied to any of the favorite types (e.g. playlists, albums, tracks, etc) - just change the filter_section
value to the favorite section identifier, which must be one of the following (case-sensitive) values:
- Album Favorites sectionartistfavorites
- Artist Favorites sectionaudiobookfavorites
- Audiobook Favorites sectiondevices
- Devices sectionepisodefavorites
- Episode Favorites sectionplaylistfavorites
- Playlist Favorites sectionrecents
- Recently Played sectionshowfavorites
- Show Favorites sectiontrackfavorites
- Track Favorites section
For example, if you wanted to filter your Album Favorites by Garde der Löwen
, specify a user preset item like this:
- name: Section Filter
subtitle: Ninjago Albums
image_url: /local/images/spotifyplus/my_custom_image.jpg
filter_section: albumfavorites
filter_criteria: Garde der Löwen
type: filtersection
Hi Todd. More or less…
Here I added the Ninjago album to my Favorites. But I want to filter by “Lego Ninjago” see attached screenshot instead of the name “Folge 1: …”
But, if possible I,d prefer to put the albums in playlists in Spotify to have it a bit more structured.
Ahhh, I see what you mean. I can update the section filter criteria to include both the name and subtitle value when filtering the list of items. Note that I can only apply it to the following sections: Albums, Audiobooks, Episodes, UserPresets, and Tracks.
Other sections (Playlist, Shows, etc) just have statistical information in the subtitle (e.g. # of followers, # of tracks / episodes, etc).
That will be included in the next SpotifyPlus Card release.
Just released v1.0.36; install it, and give the UserPreset filter a try again. It should filter on both the name and the subtitle now.
[ 1.0.36 ] - 2025/02/02
- Updated section filter criteria to include both the name and subtitle value when filtering the list of items. This was applied to the following sections: Albums, Audiobooks, Episodes, UserPresets, and Tracks.
- Added theme variable
card configuration option for styling media browser svg icon items color. - Added theme variable
card configuration option; Color of the player media control labels (default#ffffff
). - Added theme variable
card configuration option; Color of the player media control icons (default#ffffff
). - Added theme variable
card configuration option; Color of the player media control icons when they are toggled (default#2196F3
). - Defaulted some theme variables so that card look and feel is ready to use. Prior to this fix, some details would not show correctly out of the box (e.g. device names).
Great card and functionality! I noticed that the playlist search option doesn’t return any ‘official’ spotify playlists. Is this a common feature of the spotify web api? Or am i overlooking something?
That is correct; searches are performed via the Spotify Web API, which does not return algorithmic and Spotify-owned editorial playlists (e.g. “Made For You”, “Daily Mix n”, etc) as part of the results.
You can setup a UserPreset with these types of playlists though, since the URI / Id typically do not change. For example:
- name: Spotify Daily Mix 1
subtitle: Various Artists
image_url: https://dailymix-images.scdn.co/v2/img/ab6761610000e5ebcd3f796bd7ea49ed7615a550/1/en/default
uri: spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E39vTG3GurFPW
type: playlist
Hi Todd. Perfect!!! It works great! Thanks a lot!!!
I found one bug. If I navigate to Playlist Favorites there I s a prefilled text in the filter field. I can delete it but the next time I go to the page the filter is set again
Thanks! Wasn’t aware of that. Will have a look at the userpresets.
Hey Todd! Thanks for all the awesome work. Is there any way to change the default action when you click on a track after a search? Specifically, I’m trying to queue a song rather than play it immediately without having to go through context menus.
I’m trying to replicate a bar/pub digital jukebox. So that if I have guest over they can use a wall mounted dashboard to add songs to the queue. Any ideas or work arounds would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Also answered your feature request …
Just released v1.0.38 to add this functionality.
[ 1.0.38 ] - 2025/02/07
- Added card configuration option
; True to add track / episode to play queue when search result is clicked; Otherwise, false to play the track / episode immediately when track search result is clicked. Default is false.
I’ve simple question on shuffle: I’m using the playlist view to start playlists, which works fine. But it always starts on the first song & repeat is not on. I’ve to set this manually. Is there a way to enable shuffle & repeat from the start(using the playlist view)?
There is currently no way to do that, but I can add a configuration setting to support that feature. It should be available in the next release of the Card.
Just released v1.0.39 of the Card. I added this feature for playlists, albums, and artists.
[ 1.0.39 ] - 2025/02/09
- Added card configuration option
; True to enable shuffle prior to starting play of the context; otherwise, False to start the context with the current shuffle mode. - Added card configuration option
; True to enable shuffle prior to starting play of the context; otherwise, False to start the context with the current shuffle mode. - Added card configuration option
; True to enable shuffle prior to starting play of the context; otherwise, False to start the context with the current shuffle mode.
Note that if False (or not set), this will NOT disable shuffle mode prior to start of play - it will simply use the current shuffle mode setting.
Configuration Editor example:
Works like a charm!