Hi, I am playing with Lilygo T-Panel S3, version 480x480, dual MCU, RS-485 etc.
I can’t make it work with esphome and the ST7701s driver, but it works with Arduino and UI from Squareline (starting example), then connected to HA via MQTT and ArduinoOTA for wireless upgrade.
This is working and the quality of the UI experience with Squareline is awesome, imho.
It would be amazing to include Squareline’s exported UI src into esphome and spend way less effort in the integration with HA, sensors, etc.
Just in case anyone is aware how to do it, happy to test.
Hi @nickrout, Squareline exports a directory with standard c code with reference to an external lvgl library.
e.g. the whole /ui folder in this example is the export of Squareline.
In my project I’m coding with Visual Studio the main.cpp and the /ui folder is updated by Squareline whenever I export a new version of the UI. Then I need to update the code on visual studio in the callbacks from the UI.
I will try to load it into esphome as an external component, but I’m not familiar yet with components.
Hello, I’m trying to bring inspiration from the working example for arduino+squareline into a custom external component that should handle the display with the Arduino_GFX library and its own lvgl and touchlib.
But I’m stuck at trying to include the libraries in the right way.
I don’t have enough experience to get out of it, tried Cursor AI in many ways but can’t fix it.
Tried several ways in init and header, also including more recent version from GitHub repo, but finding conflicts among versions.
The original project is working just with the local libraries.
Here’s my repo in progress, in case you or anyone want to have a look: https://github.com/umbex/tpanel.git
Same here! New to lvgl and squareline studio and esphome too but I’m trying to get into it! i have the same waveshare display! I tried to connect one single button as test without success. Will follow too!