SSL works only over DNS / Domain , but not in LAN via IP Adress

I installed SSL Add ON (Let’s Encrypt) , which works perfectly when i open my HomeAssitant over Internet ( DNS cloudflared).
But when I try to use it local over the Rasp(4) - IP-Adress , it only works without “https”



Beim Verbinden mit trat ein Fehler auf. SSL hat einen Eintrag erhalten, der die maximal erlaubte Länge überschritten hat.


Anyone had an idea how to use https at home ?

Thars how SSL certificates work. The IP address does not match the name that the certificate covers.

Use an internal DNS server too.

Perhaps you could start by posting the error in English?

Does this mean your DNS is with Cloudflare, or you’re using a tunnel via the Cloudflared add-on?

If the latter, ONLY traffic that is proxied via the addon is secured with SSL. Traffic that ISN’T proxied is NOT secured, hence why you get an error trying to use HTTPS on your LAN IP - there is nothing listening for HTTPS on LAN connections.

If you want SSL on your LAN, you need to use something like Nginx or maybe set up Let’s Encrypt properly.