ST Motion Sensor not sensing motion with 2022.2.2

I’ve got two SmartThings Motion Sensors (original) that were working fine but are no longer registering motion. HA sees them and reports their battery and temperature, but the motion is always “Clear” and never changes. I tried removing and re-adding as well as reconfiguring (“Reconfigure Device”) without errors but without any change.

Anyone else seeing this with the latest release or know what I should be looking at?

I’m using the GoControl HUSBZB1 hub with the Zigbee Home Automation integration (quirk is “zhaquirks.centralite.motion.CentraLiteMotionSensor”). I’ve got about a dozen Zigbee devices (both battery and non) but only the two motion controllers are having a problem. I’ve checked and replaced with new batteries (the old ones were still good). Nothing is showing in the logs and the history for the device only shows “Clear”

What’s weird is that if I wave my hand in front of the sensor, the “Last Seen” in HA updates to the current time, but the motion sensor still only shows “Clear”. As mentioned, these have been working for months without issue (since I initially moved from ST to HA).

So I’m not sure where to look next, any help or places to look would be appreciated.

Thanks much!

It appears this particular motion sensor just stopped working. The power and temperature still works, but the motion is never detected. Replaced with another one of the same type and it is working fine.

this is interesting, I have three of these, out of those, one works as a motion sensor in HA, the other two only see humidity and temperature. The interesting thing is that if i re-pair them with smartthings they all see motion. firmware difference maybe?

I have the same issue. Aeotec ST Motion Sensor works fine on the ST hub, but does not seem to integrate properly on HA… it does not detect motion (state is always “clear”).

Any hint on how to resolve this?

I don’t have a solution, unfortunately. Couldn’t get mine to work and replaced it with an Aqara Motion Sensor which has worked great since Feb.

I am also facing the same issue. I have three of these sensors.

Mine work after repairing 3-4 times!

Sensor Firmware: 0x00000011
Zigbee: Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus


[0x045C:1:0x0500] Decoded ZCL frame: IasZone:Read_Attributes_rsp(status_records=[ReadAttributeRecord(attrid=0x0000, status=<Status.SUCCESS: 0>, value=TypeValue(type=enum8, value=<enum8.undefined_0x01: 1>))])

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