I have this display but cannot get it to work. the markings on the display are listed as comments after the pin definition.
BLK - easy
DC - easy
RES - easy
VCC - obvious
GND - obvious
On the back of the board it specifically states
Interface: SPI
Driver: ST7789
I must have one of the mappings wrong?
I’ve scoured the internet to no avail - this should be easy.
[16:10:49][W][component:237]: Component display took a long time for an operation (82 ms).
[16:10:49][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.
The errors in the log went away, but the display is blank. I had a 2nd brand new one and tried it, but still nothing. I think I’m going to abandon these displays - I honestly didn’t think they would be so difficult to get working… I have 2 Waveshare e-paper displays arriving later today that will ultimately end up being used. Hopefully those will won’t be as difficult to set up.