I migrated HW from Raspberry pi 3 with SSD to a more (what i thought was) robust Lenovo ThinkCentre NUC with 256GB SSD and 8GB ram.
To simplify the migration, I installed the correct HAOS image for NUC and restored the last backup from my RPI installation (also HAOS).
For the last month I have had two down periods not able to access from remote (using both duckdns and zerotier). Last time this happened I had unplug the power cable and restart. Two weeks ago I also swapped with another (somewhat more powerful ThinkCentre) so I think I can exclude any HW issues.
From the system logs I cannot see any particular issues except for some custom template sensors not working correctly and some other minor things. Disk is 8% full and cpu load is around 15% because of Frigate. Also using Google Coral and Z2M, except for those, only minor integrations.
Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?