the floor plan is a really great feature, but it’s very unstable. I tried to create the floor plan feature with the link from internal ip link such as 192.168.x.x and then the folder path. it worked only when i connected to home assistant thru the internal link 192.168.x.x but not when i connected thru nabu casa. it worked when i linked the picture thru nabu casa link and then the folder path, but not stable on the phone nor the tablet. first it worked really great with the floor plan, then suddenly the picture of the floor plan crashed. sometimes it does the same on the laptop. when it finally works on the laptop, it doesn’t always work on the phone or tablet. does anyone have the same problem or solution? thank you very much for the help. all the functions do work perfectly, it is just the picture that crashes and i have got it to work before, but it’s never stable
My code is this:
Hi there. This forum is for the custom integration ha-floorplan. As you are using picture elements you should ask this question in the general configuration forum.
Place your picture in a “local” folder !
IF you not see a /www folder in your /config , then create a /www folder ( this folder is also referred to as /local ) place your image there or somewhere under the /www structure i.e ( /www/pictures/ pic.png )
image: /local/pictures/pic.png
image: /local/pic.png
since you mentioned the /www folder, i have tried it. but i wasn’t able to upload it to the folder in media nor was i able to locate the folder any other places not even in the config after restarted it or tried 192.168.x.x/local/floorplan/
how do you work with files in HA ?, do you have installed “File Editor” Add-On ?
im not sure i understand what you say, or have done
You create a “/www” folder (in i.e File-Editor), In same File-Editor you can also upload the picture .
How did you manage to create your current structure ?
if you show a picture/screenshot over your /config it might be easier to understand what you are doing, and why you don’t see /www
and if you absolutely want to use the IP-address ( to access the folder/pic), then don’t forget the portnumber
which folder, and whats “media” if you are talking about the shared folder “media” then forget about this !, you only have to create a /www in your /config folder AND inside this /www folder you upload your picture (or created another folder like you show above /floorplan, then your picture has to be uploaded into that folder)
I have been a bit busy and putted aside. but I have tried both shared media folder and /www/plantegning/plantegning.png and i did some more research about it, and there was a guy on youtube that showed that in the webbrowser, you could type http:/192.168.x.x:port/local/folder-name/file-name and then it would show the file under local. but it didn't worked for me. i tried to create /www/folder/pic.png and /www/pic.png and none of them worked. i did thou found out that if i open file editor and close it, then the floor plan would be shown. but i have to do it in every devices and everytime after the app have been completely closed down. either if the device was shut down or the app was forced down. then i have to open file editor and close it again. i have tried with the image /local/plantegning/plantegning.png and /local/plantegning, after i have created /www/plantegning/plantegning.png and /www/plantegning.png and i did also create /config/plantegning.png... but yes i can take a screenshot over my /config so you can see how it is made. and thank you so much for help, i appreciate it very much!
Don’t expect any further assistant from here !, clicking on such external-urls ( when you obviously can copy/past an immage below) is nothing that inspires one
I Dont see any folders there named “www” ?
If you haven’t created it yet, then do …click on add-folder , then place your pic.png inside it " This www folder is then referred to as /local "
you need to move your folder called plantegning into a folder called www. The path should be www/plantegning/plantegning.png. If the folder www does not exist, create it. When this is done your reference to /local/plantegning/plantegning.png will work. Again, the www folder should be in the same folder as configuration.yaml and so on.
excatly. i don't see it neither. i created the folder in "create folder" typed /www/plantegning(folder) and then it just said that it was succesfully created and then i couldn't find it and tried like you said in the script just to try and see if it worked. i have created both like this in the pictures and just "www/folder" and the www/folder has been created, but the folder i name "www/folder" without "/www/folder" it doesn't work since it is just a normal folder called "www"? the last two are together and the first is just regular folder, i guess
i did and it still did work with /local/plantegning/plantegning.png
but the folder is there now and maybe after I restart the entire raspberry pi, it will work?
I have created a folder named plantegning and the uploaded the picture that also is named plantegning.png
no >-, delete this , should be" image: /local/plantegning/plantegning.png "
( if your are 100% sure you have a folder inside “www” called “plantegning” and in this folder have a picture called “plantegning.png” ( AND that this picture is actually a .png not something else you just renamed)