Hi, I am trying to follow standard installation, described here https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/
Device: Raspberry pi 3B -> 32bit
What I see
- After installation device is not on the network
- If I connect a monitor, nothing is displayed on it
What I did:
I flashed the HA image on SD card; via windows menu formatted the partition which was visible into “CONFIG” with FAT (didn’t see FAT32 option, but I hope those are the same?). By the way, the size of the partition is approx. 1MB.
To connect to wi-fi I used example here https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/blob/2e7e0398996c5fb39e566e9d6d72df2975ac9f39/Documentation/network.md and only changed ssid and psk.
What can I try/check?