Anyone else seeing this:
Unable to set up Starling account 'Starling': 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.starlingbank.com/api/v2/accounts
Anyone else seeing this:
Unable to set up Starling account 'Starling': 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.starlingbank.com/api/v2/accounts
I’ve just noticed that now, only just had reason to check the logs but seems to have been happening for a month or two
This happened to me when my token expired in the Starling developer account, just had to create another token as per the docs Starling Bank - Home Assistant and all was good.
I did have an email from starling saying one of my connected services was going to expire and to go to “Marketplace” on their app to renew. However there was nothing there, on looking at the email again it said my account was connected to (Personal Access), so that must have been personal access token in developer account.
This issue still persists and I don’t think its an expired token issue since my tokens were only generated yesterday and today.
I get the following error {“error”:“invalid_token”,“error_description”:"No access token provided in request. Header: Authorization
must be set "}
I dont understand why its saying no access token has been provided.
My YAML is as the eg in the HoAss documentation:
- platform: starlingbank
- access_token: eyJxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjdf
Edit: Nevermind, I changed the token to allow only Account:Read and Balance: Read and it now works. I looked at the .py script for the integration and it looks like only a balance sensor is accepted.
Continuing the discussion from Starling Bank errors:
I have been using rest sensors for a couple of years to provide me with information on my Starling accounts. This has worked extremly well with no problems up until a few weeks ago. However, everything stopped and I can not find out why.
So I have now moved onto the Starling integration and everythings works fine as described. I can get my cleared and effective balances. However, I have an additional Euro account and the integration can not access this extra account (unless I have missed something).
So is it possible to add acount ids to the integration so I can access the Euro account.
Alternatively (or additionaly), any idea why my own rest sensor yaml has stopped working. I have only a few request per day and it can’t be anyting to do with my authorization as this works with the Starling integration.
Thanks in advance for your help with this, even if I can not get any further, the Starling integration solves a lot of my problems.
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