State badge showing more entities


I created a floorplan in HA and want to show badges with temperature, humidity and CO2 concentrations in monitored rooms. It doesn’t look very good if I put 3 badges in each room, so I’m wondering if there’s a way to create a “block” of three badges, or just a badge that will show three different entities. The way I imagine it is three rectangles with icon and sensor value. I would be glad for any sugestion, thanks.

Maybe you can use one image with the shape, color and background you like.
Then use state label to locate the 3 texts inside this shape.


P.S.: This image is disgusting but you get the idea.

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Yeah, I was thinking about this solution but I was’t sure how it would end up looking on different screens (e.g. PC x Phone). So I just wanted to see if there isn’t a different way. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, seems like I have to do it like this.

I’m using a transformation on my images and it is working on all my devices. But for the text …

      - entity: light.chambre_parents
          action: more-info
        image: /local/Plans/vide.png
          'off': /local/Plans/chambre parents - vide.png
          'on': /local/Plans/chambre parents.png
          unavailable: /local/Plans/chambre parents - grisée.png
          transform: translate(-50%,-50%) scale(0.488, 0.488)
          left: 40.958%
          top: 41.83%
          width: 58.8%
          action: toggle
        title: Chambre parents
        type: image
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