State picker for entity states in Automations

When configuring a condition or trigger for an automation I have found it difficult to produce the correct text string to match the desired state on multiple occasions. This is particularly difficult for an entity that you have no control over the state as the states tab in developer tools only provides the current state. The logical place to look for past states is in your history. Regrettably, the state’s shown here are their friendly names not what is needed in the automation. To add insult to injury the conversion from friendly to logical state isn’t consistent and the entry has to match verbatim.


To ease this difficulty, it would be extremely helpful to have the states the device could be as a drop-down similar to its attributes. In particular, when the state is a text-based state. I expect this may be considered impossible for some if not all entities. If so, then at the minimum a list of the unique states that the entity has in its history could be sufficient.

Expected Drop down contents: clear-night, cloudy, exceptional, fog, lightning-rainy, partlycloudy, pouring, rainy, state, sunny, unavailable