Step-by-step for adding UZB to RPi4

Hi all,

Very first days of Home Assistant here - and I’m completely lost. So sorry for my very beginner question, but hopefully you can guide me in the right direction. I’m definitely not a programmer.

I’m running HA and trying to add my first z-wave devices to play around with. To control them I’ve bought a UZB from and added that stick to one of the USB ports in my RPi.

But then what: I’m completely lost on the next steps here.

I’ve tried to go to HA > Integrations > Add Integration but getting this error:

What am I missing here? I found this ID in HA > Supervisor > Host System > Hardware, but I have no idea about if it’s the right one.

Any help will be greatly appreciated - thanks!

Not 100% sure but the serial port doesn’t work with this way of adding the Z-Wave integration. I think /dev/ttyACM0 works here, and the /dev/serial port can only be set up through the configuration.yaml

Again, not 100% sure of the above statement, but doesn’t hurt to try :slight_smile:

If you plugged in the USB stick while HA was already running, you probably need to restart it.