Is it possible to enable/disable the auto-add function using the mysensors platform? When doing debugging/testing new nodes are picked up by the gateway (which is fine, I use a MQTT gateway and I monitor the MQTT topics to for debugging purposes), but I’d like to avoid getting them picked up by HA.
My current workaround is to stop HA, edit the mysensors.yaml persistence file to remove the unwanted nodes and then restart HA.
No, not at the moment. I usually use a separate gateway with a different radio channel when testing.
I’ve thought about adding support for inclusion mode in home assistant, but not worked on it yet.
Ok, thanks. But you can confirm that my method is the correct one? (e.g editing the persistance file while HA is down).
How often does the mysensors platform write the persistance file, and does it check for changes to it before writing? (if it did then maybe I wouldn’t have to stop HA first before editing the file).
It writes to the file whenever a sensor is updated. It doesn’t check for changes but uses a temp file. I can’t recommend editing the file with home assistant running. I haven’t tested that.