.storage/lovelace vs ui-lovelace.yaml

I’m trying to setup lovelace for my HA instance. It looks like there are two different versions of the code.

Many configuration examples refer to ui-lovelace.yaml which I can’t find on my system. I can find however config/.storage/lovelace (and the various dashboards I created). These automatically created files are structured very differently.

Is there a way to “switch” to ui-lovelace.yaml or do I need to create (and maintain) this manually?

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You can create your lovelace front end in two ways - via the UI or via yaml.

If you choose to use yaml then you will need to create a ui-lovelace.yaml file in your config directory and then in your configuration.yaml you need to configure lovelace to use yaml:

  mode: yaml
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So this means if I create the dashboard in yaml I lose the UI?

Alternatively if I wanted the use the UI and add a card/integration that’s not supported by the UI, I need to get my head around JSON and use the code editor to add this card(s)?

Did I get this right?

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everything is correct except that you need to understand yaml, not JSON.

As @tfmeier said, it’s JSON.
I’m facing a similar situation, and I see that config/.storage/lovelace is JSON, not YAML.

I’ve a newbie question myself - does this file get overwritten automatically?
I mean if I make changes, will those persist?