Strange problem with homekit controller + tado radiator thermostats

i’m using ha v2024.10 and now i’m having a strange problem… so

all the the radiator thermostats turn “unavailable” when homekit controller stops to work for whatever reason, ok i use tado as backup integration…

the homekit controller integration is back to work when i restart the haos/or/router/or/bridge, but… at this point all the radiator thermostats turn “on” even if they where “off” and show temp 100°C/humidity 100%… this situation remain until the entities are updated and this could not happen (at least soon), so my water heater could turn on and remain on indefinitely because that behaviour

is this a bug?!


I have similar weird things with Netatmo connected through Homekit Device. The integration will randomly not load. When it does load after I load it manually, some sensors stay inavailable for quite a while, others report 0 instead of unavailable. Even within one device (indoor climate module) co2 will be 0 and tem/hum nicely set. It will take a long while before the co2 levels read the normal value.