Streamie: HA Integration Ideas for video streaming

At the behest of some user requests, I bumped Streamie’s “web api” feature to the top of the todo list this week. It is now functional (in beta), and I’m looking for feedback on HA integration opportunities.

For background: Streamie works with video sources such as RTSP/ONVIF cameras and NVRs, Google Nest cameras, built-in / USB cameras, HomeKit cameras (to the extent that Apple lets anything interesting happen with HomeKit) displaying, recording and monitoring them on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Mac. There are many other features, but I’ll stop there.

For this first version of its web api, a user can query for content (cameras, modules, groups, devices), get snapshots and (most importantly) send control commands (telling a device to start streaming a particular camera, group of cameras, etc.).

I can imagine numerous other possibilities, but I’d prefer to focus on features that would address existing needs (instead of just what I think people might want).

The app is free to use. There’s no sign-up process or anything (other than launching the app). Since it’s a pre-release feature, you’ll have to grab it from TestFlight (Join the Streamie beta - TestFlight - Apple). The still-in-progress API documentation is here: Streamie Help: The Settings-Integrations-WebApi Screen.

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The forums limit me to two links (new user), but I wanted to include the tech specs page in case that might provide useful context for HA integration ideas:

Great stuff Curtis!!