Streaming from fixed url

Good day

I am trying to set up an esp32 camera, however, this one is with custom code, at the end it provides a fixed IP/web address like so:
Note: All IPs start with “http://”, but I am unable to post it like so

I want to have the setup like it so I can access it as needed (if I want to see high resolution or low resolution images)

I am able to see it when I configure it on the static


But I am unable to set the address as the streaming as well, is this possible? Since I do not have user/admin passwords, I tried the following but didn’t work



platform: generic

name: TTGO Camera

still_image_url: “192.168.XX.XXX/cam-hi.jpg”

stream_source: “rtsp://192.168.XX.XXX/cam-hi.jpg:554”

@sgdva You need to enter a real rtsp url. This will be different from the jpeg still image url and found in your camera documentation or by googling for it.

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Maybe this helps ESP32 CAM with RTSP Streaming | LEARN @ CIRCUITROCKS

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Thank you very much,I’ll try to append rtsp to my existing code :slight_smile:

It took me a little while but thanks to dave_t_uk, I was able to know how to search for a solution and found a full example for my camera (TTGO plus, nevertheless, it can be used for any esp32)
The link for the demo on RTSP functional code
The link for RTSP arduino code
The link for the GPIO layout for most boards