Styling the actual image of a type:image in a picture-elements card

I am putting together a rather complicated UI using the picture-elements card in Lovelace. Within the picture-elments card I have a number of image elements, for example:

- type: image
  camera_image: camera.backdoor
    left: 55.18%

The styles appear to be applying to the container of the image, so adding something like border-radius: 50% doesn’t actually apply to the image itself, it applies to the container. This is an example with a border and border-radius and background-color:

Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 20.22.34

You can see the actual image maintains its original look and feel.

Does anyone have an example of targeting the image itself with styles? I would like to apply some specific formatting to the image, not just the container.

Many thanks