I have a simple nodered flow with a mqtt-in node and a influxdb out node for an airgradient sensor. It works the last weeks perfect. Since the last 3 days or so there are no values anymore published to the influxdb. I can see the events and values created by the airgradient in the MQTT explorer. In node red there is no debugging ooutput anymore. I get only one error message:
23.2.2022, 14:49:58[node: Airgradient Sleep](http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/hassio_ingress/PEIiXfNPz1l1omz5mJw9UenIpCWLEhQz4g2mdacDhQ0/#)
msg : string[36]
"Error stopping node: Close timed out"
I have seen in other posts that this is an errror mainly to version 2.2.1 of node red. I am searching ideas how to find a workaround for this problem. Or: wait for the release of version 2.2.2 (which should solve that issue) for Home Assistance. Any ideas are appreciated ! Peter