I use Hass.Io 0.102 on a RPi 3.
I’ve played a bit with MQTT (Mosquitto add-on) and I’m able to receive Sense HAT data from anotherr Rpi and some test messages from a Windows PC.
But as MQTT is a publish-subbscribe protocole, I’d like my other machines to subscribe to my HassIo MQTT broker.
In other words, how a device can send a message to another device (that is not the hass/broker device) ?
Is it possible to 2 hass.io instance to send MQTT messages to each other ?
If you want to link instances look at HA remote. It’s much easier than using MQTT.
For MQTT - I’d read up on MQTT basics so you can understand what it is, and how it works. This article covers it in good detail, and this one does a good high level summary.
I am reassured to see that hass and its mosquitto should work as I originally understood. I “only” have to read the clear docs you gave me, thank you !
I’ll take a look to HA Remote too.