Suggestion for Wall mounted tablet?

Any recommendations on which tablet to get? Wall mounted and HAS dedicated.

I am using an old iPad in kiosk mode, it works very well

Problem is I dont own any iPads or tablets.
thinking about picking something up on the china market…

Second hand iPads are cheap-ish.
I did purchase a cheap android tablet previously, but kept getting pop-up ads which really made it a frustrating experience!
As my mum would say, ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ :slight_smile:

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Ipad 2 should work?
Is it possible to have it turn on screen when being close to the screen (camera recognition?) or is the screen always on?

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I’m working on an iOS version of an Android app that does just that, and will be investigating it, at the moment my impression is NO unless there’s some means to mock turn off the screen without actually locking the device. iOS exerts a lot of control, Android lets you give permissions to override fundamental security…

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Screen always on yes. Personally I just use my thumb…

Think you will need Android (or windos?) for motion activation, unless you can hack together a sensor to trigger the iPad. I did spend a bit of time with the android tablet trying to get motion sensing working via the camera, but it is tricky to get just right… For instance when the room is dark it is unlikely to work reliably! Quite a few posts covering motion activated android wall tablets.

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Using an Amazon Fire 7" with custom ROM. Works like a charm can be grabbed at 40€ on sales.


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and which program as dashboard?

Running my own dashboard in a custom_panel. So the basic chrome app added to homescreen. Together with screen pinning so nobody can leave the app by accidentally pressing the home button.
