Sum time and display it in lovelace

I’m displaying the next sunset and sunrise using text_sensor and sun platform in esphome.
It displays in a card “Next Sunset 16:23:45”.
How do I add for example 15min to the value and display “Next Sunset 16:38:45”?

Thank you

Add 900 (seconds) to the time in a template.

Hi Nick,

thanks for the answer but I’m not sure where to do this

see below the snip of the yml file

Once again I missed the fact that we are talking about esphome, not home-assistant!

I would use elevation to approximate a time after sunset.

Do you want to turn on after sunset +15 minutes?


Sorry for the delay. First thanks all for your replies. It’s nice to not be ignored :slight_smile:

I probably didn’t explain myself correctly.
What I want to see in the card is the sum of the actual time + the offset.

so the sunset time is 16:

my offset is 10min

so I created a sensor in my configuration.yml

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "time_blinds_up"
        value_template: "{{((strptime((state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')|replace('T', ' ')).split('.')[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + timedelta( hours = 00, minutes = 00 )).strftime('%a at %H:%M:%S')}}"
        friendly_name: "time_blinds_down"
        value_template: "{{((strptime((state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')|replace('T', ' ')).split('.')[0],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) + timedelta( hours = 00, minutes = 10 )).strftime('%a at %H:%M:%S')}}"

Thank you