Really like the built-in sun_down and sun_up functions. I often find myself wanting to add an offset though, any easy way to do that? Maybe this is a feature request?
sun_down and up are just times.
so you can easy calculate with that like:
self.sundown() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30) or
self.sunrise() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
if you use the same offset over and over, you could create a general function:
return self.sunrise() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
edit: or even with your own flexible offset:
return self.sunrise() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=offset)
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Thank you both! (Have I said it lately? I love AppDaemon!!! )
i didnt even think of that one.
guess thats because i mostly use time in my triggers and constraints.
I just use something like this
self.run_at_sunrise(self.sunrise_cb, offset=+300)
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