Sun Horizon Elevation Sensor Help

I have the below binary sensor set up so that if it’s ‘ON’ - my light automations will run.
If OFF - light automations don’t run.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: light_automation_running
        state: >
         {% set use_sun = is_state('input_boolean.light_automation_times_use_sun', 'on') %}
            {{ (now() <= today_at(states(iif(use_sun, 'sensor.sun_next_rise', 'input_datetime.lights_automation_lights_auto_on_before'))) or
                now() >= today_at(states(iif(use_sun, 'sensor.sun_next_set', 'input_datetime.lights_automation_lights_auto_on_after'))) )}}       
        icon: >
          {% if is_state("binary_sensor.light_automation_running", "on") %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

This is connected to an input boolean which I can turn on to the the Sun Rise/Set times to turn ON/OFF the light automations.
So if the the Boolean is on, I manually set the times, otherwise it uses the sun rise/set times.

I’m now wanting to move this over to do two new functions

  1. a new ‘Input Selector’ - to select what I want to trigger the light automations
  • Sun Rise/Set Times (as above)
  • Sun Elevation
  • Manual Times (as above)
  1. The ‘Sun Elevation’ - To be able to adjust at what elevation

Input Selector


Sun Elevation


I’m struggling on

  1. Converting the above code to look at the drop down list, rather than a on/off
  2. How to set the elevation number.

If you look in the developer tools, you’ll see that the state of an input_select is the selected item


Therefore, you can do something like

{% if is_state("input_select.my_condition", "Sun elevation") %}
   {# blabla bla #}
{% elif is_state("input_select.my_condition", "Sun Rise/Set Times") %}
   {# blabla bla #}
{% else %]
   {# blabla bla #}
{% end if %}

To “set the elevation number”, you just use your input_number in a card
To get the elevation, you use the state_attr function.

{% if state_attr('sun.sun',' elevation') < input_number.my_configuration %}
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Thanks for this!
I had this in mind, just needed a steer.

Here is the full sensor if anyone is interested.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: light_automation_running_new
        state: >
            {% if is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Manually Set (Start - Stop)') %}
                {{ now() <= today_at(states('input_datetime.lights_automation_lights_auto_on_before')) or
                now() >= today_at(states('input_datetime.lights_automation_lights_auto_on_after')) }}
            {% elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Sun Rise/Set') %}
                {{ (now() <= today_at(states('sensor.sun_next_rise')) or  now() >= today_at(states('sensor.sun_next_set')) )}}
            {%  elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Horizon Elevation') %}
               {{ state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') < states('input_number.light_automation_times_elevation') |float }}
            {%  elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'LUX') %}
               {{ states('sensor.esp32_bedroom_lux') < states('input_number.lux') }}
            {% endif %}         
        icon: >
            {% if is_state('binary_sensor.light_automation_running_new', 'off') %}
            {% elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Manually Set (Start - Stop)') %}
            {% elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Sun Rise/Set') %}
            {%  elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'Horizon Elevation') %}
            {%  elif is_state('input_select.light_automation_trigger', 'LUX') %}
            {% endif %}

Final thing I’m trying to do, is have a custom icon for each state…

IF OFF = mdi:lightbulb-group-off

Manual Set (Start - Stop) = mdi:emoticon-cool
Sun Rise/Set Times = mdi:sun-clock
Sun Elevation = mdi:theme-light-dark
LUX = mdi:brightness-percent

Code above updated for the icon