Search has been fruitless but I can’t believe I’m the first to try this: I have a dark room I’m trying to make feel more naturally lit during the day (basically the digital equivalent of a “sun tunnel”). I have a hue light strip, the goal is to have the strip:
Auto-adjust brightness based on outdoor brightness
Auto-adjust color temperature based on time of day
The reason adaptive lighting isn’t enough on it’s own is because on cloudy/darker days it still goes full-bore with the brightness which feels artificial.
I’ve got "illuminance sensor" (which apparently incorporates weather data) installed and “working”, but it outputs a “lx” reading (0-12,000), and I need to translate that somehow to brightness (1-255) before I can have it match brightness.
255 brightness if over 9k Lux
Otherwise, adjust one “brightness” for every X Lx units, down to zero.
You could use an ESP with a color sensor pointed at the outside sky, which would give you RGB values that can be processed and sent to the light.
You could for example use this: TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor — ESPHome