Supervised Docker Installation


I just wanted to give a little feedback regarding my current experience with Home Assistant using the docker installation.

I started experimenting with docker on a Pi 4 a few days ago and set up all my automation systems I currently have distributed over multiple Pi 3 B+ models, where every system was installed directly on the OS.

To make management, updates, backups etc. easier, I decided to give docker a try. I had to learn a few things but in the end all of my systems are working as I wanted to. Except: Home Assistant.

Whats bugging me? Easy: The supervised installation provided takes full control of everything! That’s just the wrong way round is it?! There are docker containers popping up on my system like mushrooms. Also there seems to be no possibility to define the config folder, so the config of HA is stored on my host as everything is magically managed by the supervisor / scripts.

It is running, yes, but I feel like I’m totally out of controll what happens here…

Are there currently any plans to integrate that whole stuff into a single container? Like all the other sytems do? :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Check the installation instructions for Home Assistant Container

This isn’t a feature request, this is a complaint.

Also, did you read the prerequisites for this installation type that link to ADR-0014 and the requirements for a Supervised install?

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Read what Francis said.
Supervised and Container are2 different installation methods, although both using docker

I don’t see any links to ADR-0014 here

Of course I already came along all those links and information. Not helping. :wink:
Not a complaint really, more of a hint or idk… take it as you like.
Probably I also just don’t know how to set it up correctly…

The Supervised part of Home Assistant is quite powerful and great to have, alone for creating and restoring a backup.That part is missing in the Container isn’t it?

Simple boolean logic:

allow_HA_to_control_everything AND NOT allow_HA_to_control_everything is always false:joy:

I had the core version running alone in a container just fine, but since theres no supervisor installed, you can’t restore a backup…

So I think it is a feature request for those things in the Container installation:

No. If you don"t run supervised or HassOS, it’s your responsibility to take backups. Same for addons.

See it like this:

  • If you install supervised or HassOS, you install an ecosystem: HA proper and goodies like addons, backups, …, at the cost of control.
  • If you install the Container or Core way, you install HA only, without the ecosystem. You have control, but then it’s your responsibility to manage everything not related to HA proper, like backups or whatever functionality tou need from addons.

You cannot have it both ways…

Because the link you have provided is not for the Supervised installation page. You may notice that the page you linked (Raspberry Pi) doesn’t show Supervised as an option, hence not showing (linked) ADR-0014 Info.

The only place that does is on the Generic Linux install page, which lists Supervised instructions.

Yeah, I know. But I thought you replied to Francis, while it might have been a reply to the OP.