I’ve been running HA on a RPi3-64 with a SSD for a year or two. I’m using the proper Rpi power supply.
I’ve started getting a problem whereby, after a period of days or weeks, I lose access to File Editor, HACS, Terminal and get the message “Supervisor unable to fetch add-on info to start ingress” when trying to access them.
At the same time, within Configuration/Settings/Server Controls ‘Restart’ churns for a few seconds and then gives a green tick, rather than a restart.
Similar happens with Configuration/Settings/Info where clicking on ‘Manage’ in Home Assistant Supervisor produces an endless churn.
My take on the timeline (Log is below) is that several database corruptions occur, visible because I could at that time access File Editor. Then HA seems to run in a sort of ‘headless’ manner whereby everything runs (automations, remote access, etc) but Supervisor, seemingly, is not there despite seemingly healthy, according to Configuration/Settings/Info (below).
Can anyone explain (in simple terms as I’m no expert) where the problem lies and how to resolve it?
I’m wondering if it could be that I need to power the SSD independently from the RPi.
System Health
version: core-2022.4.7
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
user: root
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.9.9
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.10.103-v8
arch: aarch64
timezone: Europe/London
GitHub API: ok
GitHub Content: ok
GitHub Web: failed to load: timeout
GitHub API Calls Remaining: 4266
Installed Version: 1.24.5
Stage: running
Available Repositories: 1057
Downloaded Repositories: 10
logged_in: false
can_reach_cert_server: ok
can_reach_cloud_auth: ok
can_reach_cloud: ok
host_os: Home Assistant OS 7.6
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: supervisor-2022.05.0
docker_version: 20.10.9
disk_total: 109.3 GB
disk_used: 3.9 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: rpi3-64
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: File editor (5.3.3), Terminal & SSH (9.4.0), Samba share (9.6.1), Git pull (7.13.1), NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy (3.1.1), Duck DNS (1.14.0)
dashboards: 1
resources: 2
views: 9
mode: storage
/store return code 500
09:40:36 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:49:54 and shows up 6913 times
Can’t read Supervisor data:
09:38:56 – (WARNING) Home Assistant Supervisor - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:49:54 and shows up 2278 times
Returned base register (60) does not match that from request (180).
Failed to to call /addons/core_configurator/info -
09:37:13 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 21:57:21 and shows up 78 times
[547449812160] Error handling message: [Errno 74] Bad message: ‘/config/.storage/hacs.critical’ (unknown_error)
09:37:02 – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API - message first occurred at 17 May 2022, 10:59:46 and shows up 5 times
JSON file reading failed: /config/.storage/hacs.critical
09:37:02 – (ERROR) util/json.py - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 12:07:00 and shows up 100 times
failed: [Errno 74] Bad message: ‘/config/.storage/hacs.critical’
08:07:00 – (ERROR) HACS (custom integration) - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 12:07:00 and shows up 95 times
07:39:39 – (WARNING) helpers/entity.py - message first occurred at 6 May 2022, 00:02:11 and shows up 1477 times
04:02:50 – (WARNING) helpers/entity.py - message first occurred at 7 May 2022, 07:22:46 and shows up 4 times
17 May 2022, 23:25:08 – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/async_upnp_client/profiles/profile.py - message first occurred at 6 May 2022, 17:36:39 and shows up 11 times
[547730863296] Disconnected: Did not receive auth message within 10 seconds
17 May 2022, 21:32:54 – (WARNING) Home Assistant WebSocket API - message first occurred at 6 May 2022, 13:01:30 and shows up 57 times
Updating hive water_heater took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15
16 May 2022, 11:06:55 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/push_receiver/push_receiver.py - message first occurred at 8 May 2022, 15:06:53 and shows up 25 times
12 May 2022, 01:41:00 – (ERROR) RESTful - message first occurred at 6 May 2022, 06:07:48 and shows up 327 times
The system will rename the corrupt database file //config/home-assistant_v2.db to //config/home-assistant_v2.db.corrupt.2022-05-08T22:49:17.297580+00:00 in order to allow startup to proceed
10 May 2022, 16:05:10 – (ERROR) Recorder - message first occurred at 8 May 2022, 23:49:17 and shows up 4 times
Exception closing connection <sqlite3.Connection object at 0x7f8ce177b0>
10 May 2022, 16:05:10 – (ERROR) Recorder - message first occurred at 8 May 2022, 23:49:17 and shows up 12 times
Unrecoverable sqlite3 database corruption detected: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: SELECT states.entity_id AS states_entity_id, states.state AS states_state, states.last_changed AS states_last_changed, states.last_updated AS states_last_updated, states.attributes AS states_attributes, state_attributes.shared_attrs AS state_attributes_shared_attrs FROM states JOIN (SELECT max(states.state_id) AS max_state_id FROM states WHERE states.last_updated >= ? AND states.last_updated < ? AND states.entity_id IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) GROUP BY states.entity_id) AS anon_1 ON states.state_id = anon_1.max_state_id LEFT OUTER JOIN state_attributes ON states.attributes_id = state_attributes.attributes_id] [parameters: (‘2022-05-05 21:06:27.693156’, ‘2022-05-10 14:59:59.999999’, ‘sensor.emoncms_house’, ‘sensor.emoncms_battery’, ‘sensor.emoncms_hw_heater’, ‘sensor.emoncms_solar’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_dew_point’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_temperature’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_wind_speed’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_wind_bearing’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_humidity’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_pressure’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_cloud_coverage’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_rain’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_snow’, ‘sensor.openweathermap_uv_index’, ‘sensor.soul_ev_ev_battery’, ‘sensor.soul_ev_range_by_ev’, ‘sensor.soul_ev_range_total’, ‘sensor.consumption_power’, ‘sensor.grid_export_power’, ‘sensor.ac_voltage’, ‘sensor.ac_frequency’, ‘sensor.heatsink_temperature’, ‘sensor.charger_temperature’, ‘sensor.pv_power’, ‘sensor.gas_tariff_standing’, ‘sensor.gas_tariff_rate’, ‘sensor.electric_tariff_standing’, ‘sensor.electric_tariff_rate’, ‘sensor.disk_use_percent_home’, ‘sensor.disk_free’, ‘sensor.memory_use_percent’, ‘sensor.memory_free’, ‘sensor.load_1m’, ‘sensor.load_5m’, ‘sensor.processor_use_percent’, ‘sensor.processor_temperature’, ‘sensor.power_production_now’, ‘sensor.sm_g930f_battery_level’, ‘sensor.sm_g930f_bluetooth_connection’, ‘sensor.sm_g930f_light_sensor’, ‘sensor.sm_g930f_pressure_sensor’, ‘sensor.sm_g930f_battery_temperature’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_sleep_confidence’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_app_memory’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_battery_level’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_battery_temperature’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_light_sensor’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_wifi_link_speed’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_wifi_frequency’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_wifi_signal_strength’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_bluetooth_connection’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_internal_storage’, ‘sensor.sm_t970_external_storage’, ‘sensor.lya_l09_battery_level_3’, ‘sensor.lya_l09_battery_temperature’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_grid_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_export_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_import_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_voltage_grid_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_frequency_grid_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_generation_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_charging_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_home_consumption_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_internal_load_ct1_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_none_ct2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_power_ct_internal_load_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_internal_load_ct1_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_grid_ct2_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_internal_load_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_grid_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_generation_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_generation_ct3_2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_grid’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_export’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_import’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_voltage_grid’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_frequency_grid’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_generation’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_power_charging’, ‘sensor.myenergi_601_home_consumption’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_internal_load_ct1’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_grid_ct2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_power_ct_internal_load’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_internal_load_ct1’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_grid_ct2’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_internal_load’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_grid’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_power_ct_generation’, ‘sensor.myenergi_zappi_10305346_generation_ct3’, ‘sensor.myenergi_eddi_10229655_power_ct_grid’)] (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)
10 May 2022, 16:05:10 – (ERROR) Recorder
Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: SELECT states.entity_id AS states_entity_id, states.state AS states_state, states.last_changed AS states_last_changed, states.last_updated AS states_last_updated, ? AS attributes, ? AS shared_attrs FROM states WHERE states.last_changed = states.last_updated AND states.entity_id IN (?) AND states.last_updated > ? AND states.last_updated < ? ORDER BY states.entity_id, states.last_updated] [parameters: (None, None, ‘sensor.emoncms_hw_tank_temperature’, ‘2022-05-10 04:59:09.540000’, ‘2022-05-10 10:59:09.540000’)] (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)
10 May 2022, 16:05:10 – (ERROR) Recorder - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:49:19 and shows up 31 times
Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: SELECT states.entity_id AS states_entity_id, states.state AS states_state, states.last_changed AS states_last_changed, states.last_updated AS states_last_updated, ? AS attributes, ? AS shared_attrs FROM states WHERE states.last_changed = states.last_updated AND states.entity_id IN (?) AND states.last_updated > ? AND states.last_updated < ? ORDER BY states.entity_id, states.last_updated] [parameters: (None, None, ‘sensor.emoncms_hw_tank_temperature’, ‘2022-05-10 04:59:09.540000’, ‘2022-05-10 10:59:09.540000’)] (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)
10 May 2022, 16:05:10 – (ERROR) Recorder - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:49:18 and shows up 93 times
10 May 2022, 15:55:10 – (WARNING) Sensor - message first occurred at 7 May 2022, 20:30:10 and shows up 2 times
Error handling request
10 May 2022, 15:49:19 – (ERROR) components/recorder/util.py - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:49:19 and shows up 25 times
Error handling request
10 May 2022, 11:59:20 – (ERROR) components/recorder/util.py - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 11:58:59 and shows up 5 times
Error fetching hassio data: Error on Supervisor API:
10 May 2022, 11:50:35 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor
Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
10 May 2022, 10:15:08 – (ERROR) core.py - message first occurred at 10 May 2022, 10:13:08 and shows up 3 times
Failed (re-)subscribing to: uuid:28c3af6d-7a1a-48c3-832e-af8ef4a55f06, reason: UpnpConnectionTimeoutError(’’, None)
9 May 2022, 22:52:11 – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/async_upnp_client/profiles/profile.py - message first occurred at 9 May 2022, 22:52:01 and shows up 3 times
Unrecoverable sqlite3 database corruption detected: (raised as a result of Query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely) (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: INSERT INTO events (event_type, event_data, origin, time_fired, context_id, context_user_id, context_parent_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)] [parameters: (‘automation_triggered’, ‘{“name”:“Lights on after sunset”,“entity_id”:“automation.new_automation”,“source”:“sunset with offset”}’, ‘LOCAL’, ‘2022-05-09 20:54:59.740703’, ‘61dede7682b9e7e24ab288bd77688ea7’, None, None)] (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)
9 May 2022, 21:54:59 – (ERROR) Recorder
Unrecoverable sqlite3 database corruption detected: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed [SQL: INSERT INTO events (event_type, event_data, origin, time_fired, context_id, context_user_id, context_parent_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)] [parameters: (‘state_changed’, None, ‘LOCAL’, ‘2022-05-08 22:49:16.395241’, ‘6bd8ebc096a6f1a80a5c32e1b790bf2e’, None, None)] (Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)