Support for Aurora AONE and Samotech Zigbee Devices via deCONZ?

Hey all,

I’m looking at moving back to HomeAssistant from Hubitat after a brief fling with that platform.

One of the things I’ll need is Zigbee support for my lights/sockets/RGB Controllers, and I’m hoping that the Conbee II will do the trick, however I can’t find my devices listed as supported anywhere.

At the moment I have the following:

  • Dimmer Switches:
    • Auora AONE Dimmer Modules
    • Samotech SM323 Dimmer Modules
  • Smart Sockets:
    • Aurora AONE Sockets
  • RGB Controllers:

Before I splash out on the Conbee, can anyone help with whether the above work or not?


Did you ever get to the bottom of connecting your AONE Dimmer modules to Home Assistant? From what I’ve seen, you need to do it via Zigbee MQTTT.

I’m also planning on using Home Assistant with Conbee II stick so hoping that will work

I ended up with a ZZH USB Stick from Electrolama and zigbee2mqtt and they connect absolutely fine.

The only thing I’d say about the AONE Dimmers is that they are probably the least reliable of all the smart switches/dimmers that I own.

I’m now in the process of replacing them all with Samotech SM323’s, which are cheaper and appear to be both more reliable and capable of dealing with a powercut without insisting on blinking the lights constantly until you adjust the brightness.

I’ve also had two AONE modules just flat-out die after switching off the mains to fit another dimmer elsewhere, whereas the Samotechs just keep on working.

The Samotechs are also a lot cheaper too, and work perfectly with zigbee2mqtt and HA.

I’ve got most of the AONE’s working with Home Assistant and Conbee stick now, but can’t add the ones which are set up as Master and Slaves (on my stairs etc). Anyone able to give advice on adding these ones into HA? Or alternatively, if I switch them back to normal and add them, does anyone know an automation I can do instead?

I had to replace the 3.15A fuse inside one of the AONE 120w units as it failed to respond.
Part number of the device is 0ZB1A-AU.
Was powered and connected to four Aurora mPRO 8w recessed downlights wired in series.