Support for Nest Protect

See feature request here:

They have added support for that more over they force you towards it, i recently setup Nest camera’s

I also now switched from my workaround described above to @imick his implementation (via HACS), fantastic! so easy to setup, love it. I’ve send you a beer via Paypall @imick !

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Thanks @PaulNL, much appreciated :wink:.

Amazing, the Home assistant community ahs been able to do what Google doesn’t want to do.
I bought two quite expensive, nest protecte expecting them to work with Google home. One of the most respected companies in the world doesn’t care for it’s customers<!!!

But/and I am a bit disappointed that on the Home Assistant site : Nest protect isn’t listed under integrations. So if I go for Home assistant, I have to learn python and and spend a lot of time debugging. Sounds like a project for retirement.

Is that the way it should be?
Or can we expect some of the contributors above, to document the work that has been done ?

No need to learn python or debugging

Nest Protect is not included in Home Assistant core, thus it is not listed on the official site. However, Nest Protect is part of HACS which is a community integration store. It can be installed with one click as well, thus no need for any coding.

The main reason why the integration is not part of core is that we use unofficial API’s that can be killed / changed any moment. Google did not officially approve using these API’s, thus it is better to keep them as a community integration. (even though it has 1300+ users).

Is it possible to “Hush” or “Silence” a smoke detector, I have one near the kitchen, many false alarms.

See Support for Remote Mute Alarms · Issue #25 · iMicknl/ha-nest-protect ( This is currently not supported.

Just tried to install, but when I go to request an access token (using the gmail account that’s linked to my Nest Protect), I get the following error:

Access blocked: Nest’s request is invalid

You can’t sign in because Nest sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue. Learn more about this error

If you are a developer of Nest, see error details

Error 400: invalid_request

Should this still work? Or is Out of bound auth not allowed these days?

See Error 400: invalid_request when authenticating with Google · Issue #105 · iMicknl/ha-nest-protect ( I have not had time to dive into this, but it seems Google is changing their authentication mechanism

I got the exact same problem.

Should this not be changed the same way that the Google Nest Thermostats are now authenticated with an OAuth-code? There is a whole process that I had to follow last week to get my thermostats to work.
I have no idea where to start this for Protect, as this video also mentioned that the CO2/Smoke detectors are not supported by the SDM API. This is what I followed to get the Google cert for the thermostats: Finally! A WORKING NEST Integration with Home Assistant using Oauth! - YouTube

I believe I had a similar issue and resolved it by signing out of google, using a private window and logging back in. I’m not 100% this is the same issue but I definitely had a similar issue at that step and resolved by doing the above.

Would it be possible to allow setting of the Home/Away via this integration? I know this is not technically Nest Protect as such, more of a global Nest function, but would be a useful feature. I know the homebridge API supports doing this manually with a switch (similar to manually setting in the Nest App).

  • Switch accessory (Home Occupied) indicating detected Home/Away state - can be manually changed
  • "HomeAway.AsOccupancySensorAndSwitch" - create Home/Away indicator as an OccupancySensor and a Switch

Unfortunately looks like the SDM API doesn’t support setting the Home/Away.

Would be great to have an automation that when I arm Alarmo in HA, it could then immediately set Nest status to Away.

Hi Mick,
I get the same authentication issue too. I am new to all this but reading through the thread about this integration it looks like you have done so much already
are you going to be adding this new authentication (please)?
Many thanks.

Is currently any option to get requested Authentication tooken?

Getting this error when I try to authorize, something wrong with the google servers atm?

I guess this means the component needs to use this authentication mechanism: Hướng dáș«n di chuyển luồng ngoĂ i pháșĄm vi (OOB)  |  Authorization  |  Google for Developers

Which means users will need to have their home assistant instance exposed to the web for the call back as well as set up a project in their google console so they can set this the redirect url to their home assistant installation

That is quite annoying.

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Not quite.

First, you don’t have to expose anything to make web auth work. Home assistant uses my home assistant to handle redirects. For example the official nest integration uses web auth without anything being exposed. However this doesn’t matter because of the second point.

Second, are you sure you can use web auth and an arbitrary redirect url with the oauth client Id used by the nest protect integration? That is, the nest protect integration uses unofficial apis and does not use its own client Id, but one that was borrowed by an official Google app. I would be extremely surprised if you can get web auth working with it as that would seem like a huge security hole.

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Hi, is the access token stored in a file somewhere in the nest_protect custom folder of he integration?