Support for sending signal with EnOcean

Currently, EnOcean support only allows to listen state of things going on in the house, but there is no support for sending commands, such as a button press to turn on lights, outlets, relays, etc.

It would be great to be able to “forge” a fake switch, and allow to control all my devices in the house (such as relays). Is there any limitation for this? Or just need people to do this? I saw people using another system and sending things over MQTT to that system. It seems a little bit convulated.

Also, the current documentation badly reflects that state of things. I thought by buying EnOcean relays I could control them with HA. It is not possible. The “switch” integration is only a mirroring of a switch device, not a real switching entity which is somehow unusual and tricked me into thinking this is possible. I mean all other switch integrations I have allow to actually turn something on or off. That switch is actually a sensor of a switch, kind of.

Finally, it would be great to have a little bit more auto-discovery. Currently one needs to go in the logs to find the device IDs that would clearly be recognizable automatically, like the ZHA integration :slight_smile:
