Swimming Pool presence sensor

Has anyone got a good way if detecting presence in a swimming pool?

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What about having a PIR movement sensor at all access points and one inside the fenced area?
If thats not good enough try a door sensor on the pool fence gate?

I guess I asking for more than just detecting above.
Is Sonic or motion able to use underwater to detect?

Have some rabbits that fall in occasionally. Would like to see if possible to detect with this level of detail

Maybe Sonic with image detection? I found this camera and seems interesting but not sure if shock hazard.

Barlus Underwater Camera 304 Stainless Steel IP68 1080P 2MP POE IP Camera with 16ft Special Cable Lens 3.6MM https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CY12ZRR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_CaqFDb87QHC4N

Oh…that’s cool…rabbits in the pool area! I reckon a camera with movement sensing may work for that but if your pool is like mine you may get false detections from birds drinking?

As part of trying to comply with our tight fencing of swimming pools legislation I read the rules once, and it referred to splash alarms as an extra precaution. I am not sure if they’ll react to something as small as a rabbit, you may need a full blooded small child to set them off.

Splash alarms may be OK but reviews for the units I have seen state “good enough to pass inspection but fairly useless” or something similar.
Any recommendation??

I still dont understand what those splash sensor sense…water level change?

i want to detect beneath water level. really it for people but hope to cover small animal

What about setting up a dedicated run in the pool area where the rabbits can roam but not able to get in the pool?